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Bàtaichean-iasgaich a' Chost' a Tuath


Air a' chost' a tuath, bha diofar bhàtaichean-iasgaich, mar eisimpleir The Silver Craig, The QueenThe Sally agus The Seaflower, aon de na bàtaichean a b' ainmeile.


Cuideachd, aig acair anns na Feàrna Mòra, bha bàta-iasgaich air an robh Paragon mar ainm, tràth san 20mh linne. Tha cuimhne aig Tormod Peutan ann an Camas Tearach oirre, ach cha robh e ach gu math òg dar a chunnaic e i.




Boats of the North Coast


On the north coast of the Applecross peninsula, there were a number of different boats including The Silver CraigThe QueenThe Sally and The Seaflower, one of the most famous boats of her era.


Also, in the Township of Fearnamore, there was a boat called Paragon early in the 20th century. Norman Beaton, of Camusterrach, who fished for a number of years, can just remember seeing her when he was very young.

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