Bàtaichean-iasgaich a' Chost' a Tuath
Air a' chost' a tuath, bha diofar bhàtaichean-iasgaich, mar eisimpleir The Silver Craig, The Queen, The Sally agus The Seaflower, aon de na bàtaichean a b' ainmeile.
Cuideachd, aig acair anns na Feàrna Mòra, bha bàta-iasgaich air an robh Paragon mar ainm, tràth san 20mh linne. Tha cuimhne aig Tormod Peutan ann an Camas Tearach oirre, ach cha robh e ach gu math òg dar a chunnaic e i.
Boats of the North Coast
On the north coast of the Applecross peninsula, there were a number of different boats including The Silver Craig, The Queen, The Sally and The Seaflower, one of the most famous boats of her era.
Also, in the Township of Fearnamore, there was a boat called Paragon early in the 20th century. Norman Beaton, of Camusterrach, who fished for a number of years, can just remember seeing her when he was very young.